Pumping Concrete: Top Tips

Pumping Concrete: Top Tips

The Top Three Advantages of Sealing Your Concrete Flooring

by Hector Herrera

When you have a new concrete driveway, garage flooring or other concrete flooring installed, your concrete contractor may recommend that you finish it with a sealant. Specialised concrete sealants offer a number of advantages that might just surprise you, and they're well worth the investment. Read on to learn some of the top advantages of sealing your concrete flooring. 

A Leak and Liquid Barrier

Concrete sealants offer an excellent barrier against leaks and liquids. Driveways and garages are often exposed to not only rain water but also leaks from vehicles. Engine oil, transmission fluid and other substances can quickly sink into unsealed concrete, leaving ugly stains because concrete is naturally porous.

Stains can also be a problem for other rooms with concrete flooring. One spill of a vividly coloured juice could leave an major permanent stain if the concrete isn't sealed. Sealants keep substances of any type from penetrating the concrete. Usually, leaks and spills on a sealed concrete floor will bead up harmlessly so they can be easily wiped away. 

An Attractive Appearance

Concrete sealants are available in a wide variety of tints. From the most natural grey shades to brighter shades of blue, red or orange, you can use concrete sealants to add life and colour to your garage, driveway, or other concrete flooring. You can even design special patterns, alternating colours to give your concrete flooring a truly unique look. Concrete flooring can be made to look like hard wood or even granite today.

If you opt for a coloured concrete sealant, your concrete contractor may recommend an extra clear coating of concrete sealant atop the coloured layers. This adds extra protection and ensures that the colour remains vibrant even after foot traffic and other wear and tear. 

Easy Care

Concrete sealant can make your floors incredibly low maintenance. To look after a sealed concrete floor, you need to do nothing more than use a dust mop or whisk broom a few times a week in most cases. Occasional mopping with plain water can remove any sticky residue, and it can also enhance the floor's shine. It's best to avoid harsh cleaning chemicals on a sealed concrete floor—the chemicals could potentially dull or break down the sealant. 

To manage spills or stains, just mop the liquid up with a towel and follow up with a quick clean-water mopping. Overall, concrete sealants make concrete flooring one of the easiest care options available today. 

If you want a flooring option that offers superior leak protection, a great appearance and easy care, talk to your contractor about concrete flooring with a sealant. You'll love the advantages of concrete sealant!


About Me

Pumping Concrete: Top Tips

Hello, my name is Eric and this is my concrete blog. I am not a concrete contractor but I have recently learnt quite a lot about concrete and concrete pumping. I decided to lay a new concrete drive at my home. The drive is very long and very wide so I needed a lot of concrete. I didn't fancy carrying all this concrete so I opted for a concrete pump. I wasn't exactly sure how to operate this piece of equipment so I contacted a contractor who came out and assisted me. I learnt so much from this guy that I decided to start this blog.
